Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Betty MacDonald biography


Aafje, that's great.

We can read several of Betty MacDonald's unique books online

I'm going to share a letter by Betty MacDonald who wrote to my grandmother.

My grandmother wanted to know more details of the 1 Million Dollar law suit.

Betty MacDonald's letter is very interesting and the facts should be included in our new Betty MacDonald biography.

I hope we'll Mr. Tigerli and his very cute Russian girl friend again.

When will we be able to order Wolfgang Hampel's other interviews with Betty MacDonald's unique sister Alison Bard Burnett?

All my love to Betty MacDonald fan club fans,


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Betty MacDonald's Onions in the Stew online


Linnea and Selma thank you so much for sharing your very interesting links.

I hope you'll enjoy my link.

You can read Betty MacDonad's very witty experiences on Vashon Island online.

I can't wait to read more letters by Betty MacDonald and the family.

I'd like to join this very fascinating Betty MacDonald Project ' Betty MacDonald's life in letters ' as I'd like to share several very interesting letters by Betty MacDonald to my grandmother.

Many greetings to unique Mr. Tigerli and his russian girl.

When will we able to see a pictures of this very cute couple?


Betty MacDonald - Onions in the Stew

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Betty MacDonald biography


Gerrít, thanks a lot for sharing the great Betty MacDonald news.

I'd love to join Betty MacDonald Project ' Betty MacDonald's life in letters '.

I hope many new Betty MacDonald interviews and biographical stories will be published in the future.

Isn't this a very interesting site?

( see link below )

Summer greetings,


Word up - The Egg and I

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Betty MacDonald letters


I'm very interested in the Betty MacDonald project ' Betty MacDonald's life in letters '.

You know the reason why?

I was very lucky indeed in purchasing a Betty MacDonald book with some letters by Betty MacDonald in it.

Betty MacDonald mentions some very funny family stories.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Betty MacDonald favourites


Bea and Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

if you are interested in joing this very exciting Betty MacDonald fan club project

                       ' Betty MacDonald's life in letters '

read the Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter article July, please.

Bea, I agree - Alison Bard Burnett, Wolfgang Hampel, Mr. Tigerli and his wonderful russian girl friend are my favourites too.

Urgent message for Betty MacDonald collectors:

I can offer you a first edition of Betty MacDonald's Nancy and Plum with a cute dedication of Betty MacDonald.

For more info read Betty MacDonald fan club Newsletter July page 3, please.


Nancy and Plum fan club

Betty MacDonald fan club

Mary Bard Jensen Society

Monday, July 1, 2013

Favourite Betty MacDonald couples


it's cool to have Betty MacDonald's The Egg and I online.

What a gift!

I just listened to Wolfgang Hampel's delightful DVD interview with Betty MacDonald's sister Alison Bard Burnett which is my favourite.

I hope more Betty MacDonald interviews by Wolfgang Hampel will be published.

My favourite Betty MacDonald couples are Wolfgang Hampel, Alison Bard Burnett, Mr. Tigerli and his very charming russian lady.

How can I join the fascinating Betty MacDonald Project ' Betty MacDonald's life in letters ' ?


Betty MacDonald fan Club

Betty MacDonald Forum

Alison Bard Burnett

Wolfgang Hampel