Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Betty MacDonald and The Egg and I

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Betty MacDonald Fan Club Royal Wedding Event Stockholm DVD will be available during this month.

Dear Daddy Pieter be a bit patient please.
You can see it very soon.

I'm reading Betty MacDonald's The Egg and I. 

Looking at this picture do you remember the scene with Betty and Bob in The Egg and I? 

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle - and Betty MacDonald fan club book cover contest is finished.

Who are the winners?

More info soon.
New Betty MacDonald biography by Wolfgang Hampel  will be as fascinating as Wolfgang Hampel's brilliant Betty MacDonald interviews and his great satirical poems.
We will be able to read many fascinating info on Betty MacDonald and her brilliant sisters Mary Bard Jensen, Alison Bard Burnett and her son - Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Darsie Beck. 
I adore Diana Rigg as Arlena Marshall in Evil under the sun.
I had no idea that Diana Rigg is such a good singer.
Diana Rigg and Maggie Smith are excellent.
I like the music by Cole Porter very much.
I'm very sad because I couldn't find the Soundtrack CD.

Perhaps Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli could support me because our darling is able to find everything.
If I look at some of the ESC 2015 results maybe all of us are puppets on a string.

Thank you so much in advance for your info.

Don't miss breakfast at the bookstore with Brad  and Nick.
Take care,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald forum 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel

Betty MacDonald fan club items 

Betty MacDonald fan club items  - comments

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund