Friday, January 14, 2011

Wolfgang Hampel adores Letizia Mancino

I'm Gerit,

We have the great joy and pleasure to introduce our new outstanding Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honor member Letizia Mancino.

Letizia Mancino was born in Rome/Italy.
She is an architect, artist, writer and President of Goethe Society Heidelberg.

Letizia Mancino created a magical gallery - Hommage a Betty MacDonald.
We are so delighted. Letizia's artwork is fascinating. Her Betty MacDonald Gallery made my day. We know you'll enjoy it very much.

One of Letizia's many fans is our one and only Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner and Betty MacDonald Fan Club founder - Wolfgang Hampel - who adores Letizia Mancino's artwork and books.

Welcome, dear Letizia Mancino!

Thank you so much for creating this magical Hommage a Betty MacDonald.

Letizia Mancino:

Betty MacDonald has been one of my favourite authors ever since I read THE EGG AND I. Betty MacDonald's unique writing has greatly influenced my paintings of American landscape. I am really delighted to be an honour member of the Betty MacDonald Fan Club.

I love islands in North America: Though I know only the island „Mount Desert“ in Maine and not the island at the Pacific Coast – Betty MacDonald's Vashon Island is near Seattle – however things seem to me to be very similar: Magic landscape, cosmic influences and thousands of small odd bits of land swimming in the wide ocean. Can they really swim? It looks as if they were wearing a life jacket around the lushgreen of the woods...

Homage a Betty MacDonald

We are so happy and proud to have Letizia Mancino with us.

Take care,


Letizia Mancino's website

Letizia Mancino, beloved artist and writer, Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honour Member

Monica Sone, author of Nisei Daughter, Betty MacDonald's friend, described as Kimi in The Plague and I, honour member of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Monica Sone Society

Monica Sone Fan Club

Gwen Grant's website

Gwen Grant, beloved writer and Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honour Member

Alison Bard Burnett, Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard's brilliant sister, beloved all over the world. Her very funny and witty interviews with Wolfgang Hampel about her famous sisters Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard are real treasures.

Wolfgang Hampel Founder of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Wolfgang Hampel Society
Wolfgang Hampel, winner of first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award, author, journalist, artist, poet

Wolfgang Hampel Fan Club

Wolfgang Hampel interviewed Betty MacDonald's family and friends and many other famous artists and writers. Wolfgang Hampel is also famous for his satirical poems and stories.

Alison Bard Burnett, Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard's brilliant sister, beloved all over the world. Her very funny and witty interviews with Wolfgang Hampel about her famous sisters Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard are real treasures.

Ma and Pa Kettle Society

Betty MacDonald Fan Club

Alison Bard Burnett, Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard's brilliant sister, beloved all over the world. Her very funny and witty interviews with Wolfgang Hampel about her famous sisters Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard are real treasures.

Darsie Beck Artist and writer of Your Essential Nature - A Practical Guide to Greater Creativity and Spiritual Harmony - nephew of authors Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard - Honour Member of Betty MacDonald Society and Fan Club

Linde Lund created the Betty MacDonald, Monica Sone and Wolfgang Hampel Blogs

Betty MacDonald Interviews on CD and DVD

Betty MacDonald Community

You can find more info about our Betty MacDonald projects and events in the future.

Wolfgang Hampel, author of the Betty MacDonald Biography and winner of the first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award founded Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Society in 1983. We are the largest Betty MacDonald Fan Club in the world - with members in 26 countries. Join our wonderful international Betty MacDonald Community!
We have tons of fun!

Betty MacDonald - Fan Club of Betty MacDonald and Society of Betty MacDonald

Betty MacDonald Fan Club

Betty MacDonald Forum

Betty MacDonald Society

Mary Bard Jensen Society

Alison Bard Burnett Fan Club and Society

Nancy and Plum Fan Club

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Fan Club

Darsie Beck Artist and writer of Your Essential Nature - A Practical Guide to Greater Creativity and Spiritual Harmony - nephew of authors Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard - Honour Member of Betty MacDonald Society and Fan Club

Wolfgang Hampel Founder of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Wolfgang Hampel Society
Wolfgang Hampel, winner of first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award, author, journalist, artist, poet

Wolfgang Hampel Fan Club

Wolfgang Hampel, interviewer of Betty MacDonald's family and friends and many other famous artists and writers. Wolfgang Hampel is also famous for his satirical poems and stories.