Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snow and ice on Vashon Island

This is Angie,

I was just reading Betty MacDonald's Onions in the Stew. Betty MacDonald described ice and snow in Seattle and on Vashon Island. Can you remember?

We got the following messages from Betty MacDonald fans.
Very cold days in the State of Washington! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!

We recently had a wind storm followed by some very low temperatures and a lot of snow.
Vashon Island had a power outage for a few days. My sister was without power from Monday evening to Thursday before noon.
The next week is supposed to be above freezing, rain and occasional sun-breaks.
Old timers on the Island had kerosene lamps and wood stoves and plenty of wood just for this type of situation.

We had a bit of snow and cold around here and mother had to put up with no electric power or heat for two days but seems cheerful about it all.

We have just gone through an Arctic Express. Extremely cold and snowy on Vashon Island. Broke records for low temps. I was without power for 24 hours, many much longer. Today is much warmer and the snow is almost gone.

We have had bad storms that brought down some of the big trees on houses and power lines. We have had long hours and days without power, and the temperature got down to 15 degrees F. No sun, but today it is raining and the snow and ice are melting.

For one week here it's been verrrrry cold from zero with wind chil to now finally 40 degrees. Seattle was almost shut down due to bad ice. We cancelled plans to go to Sequim, which is not far from where Betty lived the story of the EGG AND I. Too cold, too much snow, windy, and icy. So we stayed home and roasted a duck!! We're not seeing the sun yet! At least it isn't raining.It's impossible to walk every day in this weather. I usually go out for 45 minutes a day.

We hope it'll be better very soon in Seattle, on Vashon Island and in the State of Washington.

Take care,


Alison Bard Burnett, Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard's brilliant sister, beloved all over the world. Her very funny and witty interviews with Wolfgang Hampel about her famous sisters Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard are real treasures.

Wolfgang Hampel Founder of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Wolfgang Hampel Society
Wolfgang Hampel, winner of first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award, author, journalist, artist, poet

Wolfgang Hampel Fan Club

Wolfgang Hampel interviewed Betty MacDonald's family and friends and many other famous artists and writers. Wolfgang Hampel is also famous for his satirical poems and stories.

Gwen Grant's website

Gwen Grant, beloved writer and Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honour Member

Alison Bard Burnett, Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard's brilliant sister, beloved all over the world. Her very funny and witty interviews with Wolfgang Hampel about her famous sisters Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard are real treasures.

Ma and Pa Kettle Society

Betty MacDonald Fan Club

Monica Sone, author of Nisei Daughter, Betty MacDonald's friend, described as Kimi in The Plague and I, honour member of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Monica Sone Society

Monica Sone Fan Club

Alison Bard Burnett, Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard's brilliant sister, beloved all over the world. Her very funny and witty interviews with Wolfgang Hampel about her famous sisters Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard are real treasures.

Darsie Beck Artist and writer of Your Essential Nature - A Practical Guide to Greater Creativity and Spiritual Harmony - nephew of authors Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard - Honour Member of Betty MacDonald Society and Fan Club

Linde Lund created the Betty MacDonald, Monica Sone and Wolfgang Hampel Blogs

Betty MacDonald Interviews on CD and DVD

Betty MacDonald Community

You can find more info about our Betty MacDonald projects and events in the future.

Wolfgang Hampel, author of the Betty MacDonald Biography and winner of the first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award founded Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Society in 1983. We are the largest Betty MacDonald Fan Club in the world - with members in 26 countries. Join our wonderful international Betty MacDonald Community!
We have tons of fun!

Betty MacDonald - Fan Club of Betty MacDonald and Society of Betty MacDonald

Betty MacDonald Fan Club

Betty MacDonald Forum

Betty MacDonald Society

Mary Bard Jensen Society

Alison Bard Burnett Fan Club and Society

Nancy and Plum Fan Club

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Fan Club

Monica Sone, author of Nisei Daughter, Betty MacDonald's friend, described as Kimi in The Plague and I, honour member of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Monica Sone Society

Monica Sone Fan Club

Darsie Beck Artist and writer of Your Essential Nature - A Practical Guide to Greater Creativity and Spiritual Harmony - nephew of authors Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard - Honour Member of Betty MacDonald Society and Fan Club

Wolfgang Hampel Founder of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Wolfgang Hampel Society
Wolfgang Hampel, winner of first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award, author, journalist, artist, poet

Wolfgang Hampel Fan Club

Wolfgang Hampel, interviewer of Betty MacDonald's family and friends and many other famous artists and writers. Wolfgang Hampel is also famous for his satirical poems and stories.