Sunday, July 4, 2010

Betty MacDonald Fan Club Event Africa

It's Ole,

Linde, we are very glad and also impressed because we met several Betty MacDonald Fan Club Fans in South Africa who own huge Betty MacDonald Collections. So you'll have a good chance to meet them and we know you will.
It's the first Betty MacDonald Fan Club Collectors Conference on the african continent.

The Betty MacDonald Fan Club events in 2010 are very important for the projects of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society. We should have more events like this in the future.
The Betty MacDonald Fan Club Events in Oslo and Stockholm had been very successful and so is South Africa.

Fifa World Cup 2010 is very exciting.
Congratulations to Spain and Germany.
We saw Germany's victory. 4 : 0 !
Hello Greta you are right. Sport can be dangerous for health. Some fans from Argentina nearly got heart attacks.

Who will win Fifa World Cup? Uruguay, Netherlands, Spain or Germany?

There are several Betty MacDonald Fan Club Fans from these three european finalists here. Perhaps an european team will win the World Cup for the first time on another continent. It would be history because this never happend before!
Ghana's team had their chances but they didn't use them. People are very sad about this.

Many Betty MacDonald Fan Club Fans are very interested in sending their contributions for Betty MacDonald Contest.
We hope the deadline didn't end in June 2010. If so the deadline should end in July.
What's your opinion? Thanks in advance for your feedback.

We have a great time in South Africa. We enjoy a very exciting Fifa World Cup 2010 and the chance to meet many fascinating international Betty MacDonald Fan Club Fans.

What would Betty MacDonald say to this?
We guess she would be very amazed and impressed.


Ma and Pa Kettle Society

Betty MacDonald Fan Club

Monica Sone, author of Nisei Daughter, Betty MacDonald's friend, described as Kimi in The Plague and I, honour member of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Monica Sone Society

Monica Sone Fan Club

Darsie Beck Artist and writer of Your Essential Nature - A Practical Guide to Greater Creativity and Spiritual Harmony - nephew of authors Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard - Honour Member of Betty MacDonald Society and Fan Club

Linde Lund created the Betty MacDonald, Monica Sone and Wolfgang Hampel Blogs

Betty MacDonald Interviews on CD and DVD

Betty MacDonald Community

You can find more info about our Betty MacDonald projects and events in the future.

Wolfgang Hampel, author of the Betty MacDonald Biography and winner of the first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award founded Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Society in 1983. We are the largest Betty MacDonald Fan Club in the world - with members in 25 countries. Join our wonderful international Betty MacDonald Community!
We have tons of fun!

Betty MacDonald - Fan Club of Betty MacDonald and Society of Betty MacDonald

Betty MacDonald Fan Club

Betty MacDonald Forum

Betty MacDonald Society

Mary Bard Society

Nancy and Plum Fan Club

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Fan Club

Monica Sone, author of Nisei Daughter, Betty MacDonald's friend, described as Kimi in The Plague and I, honour member of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society

Monica Sone Society

Monica Sone Fan Club

Darsie Beck Artist and writer of Your Essential Nature - A Practical Guide to Greater Creativity and Spiritual Harmony - nephew of authors Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard - Honour Member of Betty MacDonald Society and Fan Club

Wolfgang Hampel Founder of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society