Saturday, January 31, 2015

Betty MacDonald, Linde Lund and Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

enjoy a very nice Saturday.

Don't miss Betty MacDonald fan club contest, please.

There are only a few hours left. 

Dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans, you can win some very interesting new Betty MacDonald fan club items if you can answer the question below.

Read it please and we hope you'll be able to answer the question:

Who is Mrs. Burbank?

Send us the real name of Mrs. Burbank, please. 

Betty MacDonald fan club contest deadline: January 31, 2015

Good luck dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans! 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund,  Anita, Eartha Kitt II and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are going to intoduce new Betty MacDonald fan club projects in February.

Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner Wolfgang Hampel is going to share some new Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle info in February.

If you are interested in joining the new fascinating Betty MacDonald documentary and biography  project  with new Betty MacDonald interviews and other details  never published before, you are very welcome.

Don't miss the excellent new  breakfast at the bookstore with Brad and Nick!

Best wishes from


Betty MacDonald fan club

    Betty MacDonald fan club contest: Who is Mrs. Burbank?

Darsie obediently got up, took the sugar bowl and went out to the kitchen. After a long long time he came back to the breakfast table with a plate of cinnamon rolls.
"What are these for?" his father said. "And where is the sugar?"
"Sugar?" said Darsie. "What about sugar?"
"I told you to fill the sugar bowl," said Mrs. Burbank.
"Oh," said Darsie, "I thought you said, 'Get the cinnamon roll.'"
from Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic by Betty MacDonald

Betty MacDonald and Koran

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

we got a very intelligent and touching message from our beloved Betty MacDonald fan club member Mary Holmes.



Betty MacDonald forum

Dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

i was horrified by the terrorist attack in Paris.
I am horrified by all terrorist attacks. I cannot see what benefits for themselves the terrorists think they are getting. It is good that the "Je suis Charlie group" had the courage to react the way they did. 
I aim someday, when I have time, to read the Koran as I want to see what is written in it that justifies the cruelty.  Mind you, killing is nothing new. In the past there have been so many executions caused by not obeying the dogma of various religions, massed political killings all over the world and all wars. Perhaps one is sad because one had believed that mankind was becoming more rational. 

There is too much hate in our world. Hate of people with other beliefs, from other countries and cultures and even people who are more wealthy and more successful. But we should realize that we are all dependent on each other. I took the following from Facebook:

 Stop the hatred!

However it is not all bad. 
One has to be thankful for the doctors and nurses who had the courage to go to Africa and help the people with Ebola and other charities like the Red Cross and all the caring organizations who go at great danger to themselves to help people in trouble.

Best wishes,


Friday, January 30, 2015

Betty MacDonald and her readers from 5 continents

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

join Betty MacDonald fan club contest, please.

We already got many mails. Thank you so much for your oustanding support.

It was a very good advice for Betty MacDonald fan club fans to reread the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle stories and watch the interviews by Betty MacDonald Memorial Award Winner Wolfgang Hampel.

I bet everybody knows now who is real Mrs. Burbank.

Betty MacDonald fan club contest deadline: January 31, 2015

Good luck dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans!  

Julia and Maria are the winner of the two Betty MacDonald fan club contests.

Julia knew the bike in the tree on Vashon Island  is referenced in the Christmas book "Red Ranger Came Calling" by Pulitzer Price winner Berkeley Breathed.

Maria sent the correct answer that Betty MacDonald lived on Vashon Island when the photo had been taken.

Congratulations dearest Julia and Maria! 

I tremendously enjoy Linde Lund's interview with new Betty MacDonald fan club honor member, author Traci Tyne Hilton. 

Traci's answers are really brilliant and very intelligent.

I'm going to read her books.

That's my favourite question and answer:

What do you think is the reason Betty MacDonald is beloved all over the world?

Betty's work gives us a glimpse into a world that we would have never known without her. Both life in the Olympic Mountains and on Vashon are so different from regular town and city life. I think readers love to escape, and the more remote the location, the more different the people we get to meet, the more we love the work! Betty's books help us all escape to a time that is getting farther and farther away, and a place that doesn't even exist anymore, but even when it did, it was unexpected, hilarious, and stunningly beautiful.

You'll enjoy So like an arrow swift by Brad Craft.

Dearest Brad thanks a million for sharing this very interesting information. 

You can see one of my most favourite book editions by Betty MacDonald. 

I adore the book cover very much although you might say it's kind of oldfashioned.

Tell us the original title of the book please and you'll win a Betty MacDonald fan club event DVD.

Good luck, guys!

Enjoy a very nice Friday,


Betty MacDonald forum

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Betty MacDonald's unique humor

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund  told us there will be a special Betty MacDonald fan club birthday event  for  Betty MacDonald Memorial Award Winner and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel.

Any details?
Does anybody know when  Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli was born?

We can't wait to listen to several new Betty MacDonald fan club interviews  by  Wolfgang Hampel.

We are also fond of Wolfgang Hampel's  oustanding satirical poems.

By the way many Betty MacDonald fan club fans adore this outstanding poem by author and artist Joyce Lawhorn.

I'm able to recognize myself when Betty MacDonald writes:

A woman wants her friends to be perfect. She sets a pattern, usually a reasonable facsimile of herself, lays a friend out on this pattern and worries and prods at any little qualities which do not coincide with her own image. She simply won't be bothered with anything less than ninety per cent congruity, and will accept the ninety per cent only if the other ten per cent is shaping up nicely and promises accurate conformity within a short time.
Men are very much different in making friends..........   
Don't ask me please if I like any of my husband's friends...............
No, it's a joke.......some of them are ...............ok............for  him.................

If I ever marry again - I won't because I adore my husband - I'd like to have this priest who got an oustanding voice.

Although I adore Linde Lund's interview with new Betty MacDonald fan club honor member, author Traci Tyne Hilton dearest Linde should have asked her this question.

Perhaps other Betty MacDonald fan club fans and honor members are interested in sharing their thoughts.

When Linde asked Traci Tyne Hilton  What do you like most in Betty MacDonald's books?

Traci's answer is simply brilliant:

I love her over the top humor paired with her brutally honest representation of life. 

That's one of the most important reasons Betty MacDonald's book are unique. 

Betty MacDonald fan club member Barbara shared this delightful photo of Betty MacDonald.

Where did Betty MacDonald live when this photo was taken?

The first Betty MacDonald fan club fan who knows the correct answer will be our next Betty MacDonald fan club surprise winner.

Good luck folks!

Take care,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Betty MacDonald and her golden egg

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

after  watching
 Betty MacDonald everybody knew the answer.


The first Betty MacDonald fan club fan who could  answer our question was Frank.

Congratulations dearest Frank!
Betty MacDonald had been honored because of the millionth copy of her book The Egg and I.

Greta is going to share another Betty MacDonald fan club surprise today.

We have a question regarding the bike in the tree on Vashon Island.

There is an author who mentioned this bike in his book.

Tell us please the author's name and the title of the book.

Be as fast as you can, please.

The first one is our Betty MacDonald fan club surprise winner.

Take care,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Betty MacDonald contest

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Greta and her Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on their project 

                            Betty MacDonald on Vashon Island  

The first Betty MacDonald fan club fan who can answer our question below is going to win a Betty MacDonald fan club DVD collection.

                            Why had Betty MacDonald been honored? 

Hurry up, please and you'll be our Betty MacDonald fan club winner.

Greta is going to share another Betty MacDonald fan club surprise on Wednesday.

Did you ever see the bike in the tree on Vashon Island?



Betty MacDonald forum 

Betty MacDonald Vashon Island surprise

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Greta and her Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on their project

                               Betty MacDonald on Vashon Island

They have a  wonderful surprise for us today.

You shouldn't miss it.

We are going to post it soon.



Betty MacDonald fan club

Monday, January 26, 2015

Winter with Betty MacDonald and breakfast at the bookstore

A Betty MacDonald fan club team with Marco is working on the new project

                                      ' Winter with Betty MacDonald '

                                          More info coming soon!

We got info from several Betty MacDonald fan club fans who don't know the real Mrs. Burbank.

Come on guys!
Reread the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle stories please and watch the interviews by Betty MacDonald Memorial Award Winner Wolfgang Hampel.

Betty MacDonald fan club contest deadline: January 31, 2015

Good luck dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans! 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund is dreaming of a very famous apartment in New York. 

It  would be a great place for Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli.

Betty MacDonald fan club member Kathy is the winner of a new Betty MacDonald documentary. 

Congratulations dearest Kathy!

You can see Linde Lund's dream below.

You'll enjoy ' Fold ' by Brad Craft.

Folks you should have breakfast at the bookstore with Brad and Nick.

You'll love it.

Take care,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Dearest friends I missed this offer. I'd love to live in Holly Golightly's apartment for some weeks discovering New York!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Betty MacDonald fan club Sunday Surprise

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

we hope you know the real name of Mrs. Burbank!

It's not difficult at all.

If you know Betty MacDonald's books you won't have any problems.

A very good advice for Betty MacDonald fan club fans who might be problems to answer it reread the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle stories please and watch the interviews by Betty MacDonald Memorial Award Winner Wolfgang Hampel.

Betty MacDonald fan club contest deadline: January 31, 2015

Good luck dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans! 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund is dreaming of a very famous apartment in New York. 
Do you know the famous movie? 
There is also a cat in it. 
I guess it would be a great place for Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli.

Tell us the title of the movie please. 

The first Betty MacDonald fan club fan is the winner of a new Betty MacDonald documentary. 

So hurry up, please dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans.

Did you have breakfast at the bookstore with Brad and Nick? 

Don't miss it, please.

Have a sunny Sunday,

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Betty MacDonald and Mrs. Burbank

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

enjoy a very nice Saturday.

Dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans, you can win some very interesting new Betty MacDonald fan club items if you can answer the question below.

Read it please and we hope you'll be able to answer the question:

Who is Mrs. Burbank?

Send us the real name of Mrs. Burbank, please. 

Betty MacDonald fan club contest deadline: January 31, 2015

Good luck dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans! 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund,  Anita, Eartha Kitt II and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are going to intoduce new Betty MacDonald fan club projects in February.

Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner Wolfgang Hampel is going to share some new Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle info in February.

If you are interested in joining the new fascinating Betty MacDonald documentary and biography  project  with new Betty MacDonald interviews and other details  never published before, you are very welcome.

Don't miss the excellent new  breakfast at the bookstore with Brad and Nick!

Best wishes from


Betty MacDonald forum

    Betty MacDonald fan club contest: Who is Mrs. Burbank?

Darsie obediently got up, took the sugar bowl and went out to the kitchen. After a long long time he came back to the breakfast table with a plate of cinnamon rolls.
"What are these for?" his father said. "And where is the sugar?"
"Sugar?" said Darsie. "What about sugar?"
"I told you to fill the sugar bowl," said Mrs. Burbank.
"Oh," said Darsie, "I thought you said, 'Get the cinnamon roll.'"
from Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic by Betty MacDonald

Friday, January 23, 2015

Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

we already mentioned that Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund  and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on a new Betty MacDonald exhibit.

If you are interested in joining this Betty MacDonald fan club project you are welcome.
Several Betty MacDonald fan club fans shared very interesting details and info regarding Betty MacDonald's fascinating experiences in Hollywood.

Thanks a million!

We are going to publish some new Betty MacDonald fan club interviews  by Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel who is working on an updated Betty MacDonald biography.
Good luck dear Wolfgang Hampel!

Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli is a great guy even if he is a bit strange.
My British friends would say he's a bit eccentric but that's like Onions in the Stew, don't you think.

Do I agree with Betty MacDonald's description of women and men? Oh yes I do!
Betty MacDonald was such a very intelligent lady and she knew very well what she was writing about.

If we believe that Mr. Tigerli acts a bit strange what can we say of the behaviour of some men?

Betty wrote the truth! By the way I don't hate men! I love them - some of them - especially mine!

This great  poem by author and artist Joyce Lawhorn is outstanding.
Betty MacDonald would have loved this poem as much as we do!
Thanks a million dearest Joyce!

My family and friends adore Traci Tyne Hilton's books very much.

We are very happy that she is our new Betty MacDonald fan club honor member.

Betty MacDonald fan club fans from all over the world like Linde Lund's interview with Trac Tyne Hilton very much. 

Have a great Friday,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund interviewed author Traci Tyne Hilton who is a huge Betty MacDonald fan.

Many greetings to Traci Tyne Hilton and Betty MacDonald fan club fans around the world.


       Betty MacDonald fan  club interview with author Traci Tyne Hilton
                Copyright 2014 by Traci Tyne Hilton & Linde Lund
                                        All rights reserved

I can find several interviews with you. Which two ones do you prefer?

Here are two recent interviews. The second one is a "character interview" with the characters from my newest book, which is kind of fun.

This is a picture of me on my tenth wedding anniversary at The Betty MacDonald Farm on Vashon. My sweet husband planned our weekend away, but didn't realize that I actually wanted to STAY at the farm! But he did drive me there to see it before we went home, though. I'm pretty little in the picture, but if you look closely, you can see me by the door to the barn.
Which book by Betty MacDonald did you read first?
My mom gave me her copy of The Egg and I when I was about 11. It was my first taste of Betty Macdonald, but I was definitely hooked! I read it at least once a year until I was in my twenties and finally got around to finding the rest of her work at my library...and then collecting reprints.
What do you like most in Betty MacDonald's books?
I love her over the top humor paired with her brutally honest representation of life. 

Is there anything you dislike in Betty MacDonald's books?
One could call her portrayal of the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest in the Egg and I racist, but she was a woman of her time, and the things she writes about, such as alcoholism, are not untrue. They are just reported with that brutal honesty that she also uses for her white neighbors--no one is safe from her sharp pen. So, it makes me a little uncomfortable to read, but at the same time, I think it is real (from her perspective at least, and her perspective is valid,) and I don't dislike it, if that makes sense.
Did you ever read Betty MacDonald's books for children for example The Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series and  Nancy and Plum?
Oh yes! I wish I had had them as kids, but I have been reading them to my kids which is even better! My sister in law bought me Nancy and Plum several years back, and I love it. I don't know why it's not a classic on par with the Secret Garden or the Little Princess! But...even better than Nancy and Plum are the Piggle Wiggle books. They crack my kids up, and were the first chapter books that my girls really devoured. They crack me up, too!
What is your favourite book by Betty MacDonald?
It is still The Egg and I. It's a book that formed so much of my opinion on fiction and held such an important part of my growing up--I don't think anything could beat it. My husband and I call snobby activities "The Theatah and the Dahnce" and I've been known to say "I itch, so I scratch, so what?" 
Did Betty MacDonald influence you as author?
Absolutely. Though I write mysteries I want them to be funny, and I hold Betty MacDonald's work up as a standard for humor.
What do you think is the reason Betty MacDonald is beloved all over the world?

Betty's work gives us a glimpse into a world that we would have never known without her. Both life in the Olympic Mountains and on Vashon are so different from regular town and city life. I think readers love to escape, and the more remote the location, the more different the people we get to meet, the more we love the work! Betty's books help us all escape to a time that is getting farther and farther away, and a place that doesn't even exist anymore, but even when it did, it was unexpected, hilarious, and stunningly beautiful.

Dearest Traci I hope I don't bore with so many questions.

I wasn't a bit bored! Betty MacDonald is definitely my favorite author and I loved having a chance to talk about her work and why I love it so much!
As I already mentioned there are several Betty MacDonald fan club fans who enjoy your books very much.
That people who love Betty MacDonald also like my books is almost unbelievable to me, and really is a dream come true, as an author. When I was a young girl, curled up with her work, escaping to that remote egg farm, I never dreamed that someday people who loved her, would also enjoy what I had to say.

Dearest Traci thanks a million for this wonderful interview.

Lots of love to you and your family.

Lots of love to you, as well! Thank you.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Betty MacDonald letter collection

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund  and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on a new Betty MacDonald exhibit incl. interviews with Betty MacDonald, other family members and Hollywood actors.

Did you ever see The Egg and I and The Ma and Pa Kettle series?

You'll be able to read Betty MacDonald's fascinating experiences in Hollywood.

There are some very important letters in Betty MacDonald fan club letter collection. 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel is going to include all these great facts and stories in the updated Betty MacDonald biography.
Good luck dear Wolfgang Hampel!

How is our Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli doing?

Mr. Tigerli is really very funny but also a bit strange like most men!

I can't stop laughing while reading Betty MacDonald's descriptions of women and men.

I totally agree and that's one of the many reasons I adore Betty MacDonald's books.

Brad Craft's breakfast is excellent.

Thank you so much, deaerst Linde Lund for sharing this very beautiful poem by  author and artist Joyce Lawhorn.

We got many mails from Betty MacDonald fan club fans from all over the world who enjoy this poem very much.

I love it too!

Thank you so much deaerst Joyce and Linde for sharing it!

And as we all know Betty MacDonald was also fond of cats.

Visiting  Linde Lund's  page you'll notice soon that Linde is crazy about cats....

Wishing you a very nice day,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Betty MacDonald and cats

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund  and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel are going to share their new Betty MacDonald fan club projects during this month.

Betty MacDonald fan club event DVD's from London and Berlin are available now.
They include some very interesting interviews.

I'd like to know when  Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli was born.
We should have a huge birthday party for our very special Betty MacDonald fan club honor member. 
Don't worry, fans! Ms. P. will only be a strange episode in Mr. Tigerli's very active love life.

It's so funny what Betty MacDonald wrote about women and men, although my husband does not agree at all but it's true what Betty wrote.

Brad really brilliant.

I always enjoy breakfast at the bookstore. 

We got a message from  Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund.
She shares a delightful poem with us. ( see message below )



Betty MacDonald fan club

Dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

this is such a beautiful poem by my dearest facebook friend, author and artist Joyce Lawhorn.

I adore this poem so much and I asked Joyce for permission to publish it on Betty MacDonald fan club blog.

Thanks a million dearest Joyce Lawhorn!

There are Betty MacDonald fan club  members in 40 countries around the world and I hope they'll enjoy it as much as I do.

Lots of love from Linde and Lund family.

All rights reserved

There was a lady they called Lazy Daisy, she was dirty they say and really lazy.
Her grass grew high up to the door, and even the cat wouldn't eat off her floor.
She lived on water and bread, and even her cat was rarely fed.
Then one day her cat went missing, no more meowing and no more hissing.
He had found a home just over the hill, where food was plenty and got his fill.
He never missed Lazy Daisy at all, even though his name she would often call.
Her call echoed through the canyon both night and day, come home little kitty, come home right away !
Daisy didn't blame her cat for not coming home, for there was nothing in her cupboard but a dried up bone.
Not even enough to make some stew, Now Lazy Daisy knew what she had to do.
She got on her bike and road in to town, bought a loaf of bread and big juicy ham.
She bought a batch of fresh caught fish, to put in her cats favorite dish.
Now kitty will come home Daisy thought, when he sees all the food I bought.
Come home kitty , come home she cried, You have fresh fish and a big ham I fried !
But little kitty was warm and asleep in his bed, always loved and always fed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Betty MacDonald fans celebrate Betty's birthday

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

let's celebrate Betty's birthday.

We are not talking about  beloved author Betty MacDonald.

Actress Betty White is 93 years old.

Betty White was one of the world famous  Golden Girls.

Don't miss Betty White's 93rd Birthday Flash Mob, please.

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund  told us there will be a special Betty MacDonald fan club birthday event  for  Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel who will celebrate his birthday in February.

By the way does anybody know when Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli was born?

Is our Casanova  still madly in love with Ms. P.?

I totally agree what Betty MacDonald wrote about women and men.
Betty MacDonald knew very well what she was writing about.

I have the very same experiences with my husband and his friends.......

I have to praise Brad Craft.

Breakfast at the bookstore with Brad and Nick is really delicious..

Take care,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Monday, January 19, 2015

Betty MacDonald Memorial Award Winner Wolfgang Hampel

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

we wish you a very nice Monday.

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund  shares outstanding photos and videos on her page.

Linde is very fond of a poem of one of her friends and we got the permission to publish it on Betty MacDonald fan club blog. It's an excellent one. Linde Lund's friend is an author and artist.

We are going to publish the great poem during this week.

Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner Wolfgang Hampel and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on a new outstanding Betty MacDonald biography.

If you are interested in joining the new fascinating Betty MacDonald documentary and biography  project  with new Betty MacDonald interviews and other details  never published before, you are very welcome.

Do you agree what Betty MacDonald wrote about women and men?

We can't wait to hear your thoughts.

I enjoyed the breakfast at the bookstore with Brad and Nick very much.

Take care,


Betty MacDonald fan club

              The Egg and I by Betty MacDonald

". . .I realized why it is so much easier for a man to adjust himself to new surroundings and people than for a woman. Men are so much less demanding in friendship. A woman wants her friends to be perfect. She sets a pattern, usually a reasonable facsimile of herself, lays a friend out on this pattern and worries and prods at any little qualities which do not coincide with her own image. She simply won't be bothered with anything less than ninety per cent congruity, and will accept the ninety per cent only if the other ten per cent is shaping up nicely and promises accurate conformity within a short time. Friends with glaring lumps or unsmoothable rough places are cast off like ill-fitting garments, and even if this means that the woman has no friends at all, she seems happier than with some imperfect being for whom she would have to make allowances. A man has a friend, period. He acquires this particular friend because they both like to hunt ducks. The fact that the friend discourses entirely in four-letter words, very seldom washes, chews tobacco and spits and random, is drunk a good deal of the time and hates women, in no way affects the friendship. If the man notices these flaws in the perfection of his friend, he notices them casually as he does his friend's height, the color of his eyes, the width of his shoulders; and the friendship continues at an even temperature for years and years and years."

sooooo much truth, it's killing me
not only do I love this book and this writer because she is real and honest, but also because she can be asolutely hilarious when writing about things that were really hard for her.
and.... she wrote some books that were part of my favorite list as a child... Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle anyone??


Mandy said...
I can't wait to read this now! And Mrs. Piggle Wiggle was one of my favorites too!
Betty MacDonald Fan Club said...
Betty MacDonald has so many fans all over the world.
There was a Betty MacDonald Fan Club Meeting in Oslo.
I met Betty MacDonald fans from five continents.
Matt said...
i'm reading "onions in the stew" right now. loving it! she cracks me up. i mentioned to my 83 yr old grandma the other day that i was reading a book by someone named betty macdonald..."she was from seattle" she said. "that's right! how did you know that?" i said. then she said, "my aunt used to watch her kids." small world. love it.
by the way, your quote at the top of the page has been my favorite quote for years, but i never knew who wrote it. :)
-Emily (not Matt) ;)
Betty MacDonald Fan Club said...
Wolfgang Hampel - who interviewed Betty MacDonald's family and friends - is working on new Betty MacDonald biography.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel, Linde Lund and Letizia Mancino

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

it's Friday today.

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel share really very important Betty MacDonald fan club info in Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter January 2015.

Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner Wolfgang Hampel and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on a new outstanding Betty MacDonald biography.

Guys, come on and join us, please.

If you are interested in joining the new fascinating Betty MacDonald documentary and biography  project  with new Betty MacDonald interviews and other details  never published before, you are very welcome.

Anita, Eartha Kitt II and the other members of Betty MacDonald fan club team will be very  happy and grateful to hear from you.

We got a great message from beloved Betty MacDonald fan club honor member, author and artist Letizia Mancino:

Dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

it was a terrible time in Paris.
Freedom ist the best value of life, and we have to defend it.
It took centuries of development to achieve a free society, and we want to maintain it.

We hope very much that these values will be recognized and loved more and more.
With many best wishes,


We agree with you so much dearest Letizia Mancino!

Thanks a million for your outstanding support!

Some of our French Betty MacDonald fan club members lost family members and friends because of this barbaric attack! 

We live in democratic states and they won't ever reach their goal to change us.

No chance for these murderous terrorists!


Betty MacDonald fan club

Thursday, January 15, 2015

New Betty MacDonald documentary

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel are going to share new Betty MacDonald  fan club research results in Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter January 2015 available on Friday.

Anita, Eartha Kitt II and their Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on a new fascinating Betty MacDonald documentary with new Betty MacDonald interviews and other details  never published before.

Betty MacDonald fan club meetings in London and Berlin had been very successful.

There will be two Betty MacDonald fan club DVD's available next week on Tuesday.

Charb vie!

I totally agree with Ulla and Thomas.

These terrorists won't ever have a chance to change our free and democratic Societies. 

Norway is a very good example for this!

Don't miss Brad Craft's My first Monet, please.


Betty MacDonald fan club

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Betty MacDonald fans support Charlie Hebdo

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter will be available on Friday.

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel had been interviewed for Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter January.

Betty MacDonald fan club meetings in London and Berlin had been very successful.

There will be  two Betty MacDonald fan club DVD's available during next week.

Regarding the comment of the French Betty MacDonald fan club fan I'd like to say that I don't care whether Charlie Hebdo had been very popular or not.

                         The Power Is In Our Hands

1 comment:

Dearest Brad! We adore it so much! Lots of love from your friend Linde, Lund family and Betty MacDonald fan club fans from all over the world!

The fact is that the terrorists didn't reach their goal.
Just the opposite!
Charlie Hebdo is much more popular now.

I totally agree with Betty MacDonald fan club member Ulla who posted in 2014:

There are several  dictators on this planet.

There is one who hates Twitter.

There is one who invades a neighbour state. I'm convinced this behaviour means the beginning of their end.

People want democracy and freedom and you can't stop them with these very oldfashioned methods and intruments.
What these dictators are doing all the time is democrazy instead of democracy!

I'd like to add that these terrorists won't ever be able to destroy our democratic societies.


Betty MacDonald fan club 

Charlie Hebdo is alive

First Charlie Hebdo issue since Paris attacks goes on sale in France

People queued before dawn at kiosks across France for the first edition of the weekly to go on sale since last week’s attacks
Charlie Hebdo on sale in Paris
People outside a newsagents in Paris on Wednesday as the latest edition of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo went on sale. Photograph: Martin Bureau/AFP/Getty Images
Large queues formed outside French magazine kiosks as the first edition of Charlie Hebdo went on sale since last week’s terrorist attack on the magazine’s office killed eight of its journalists.
Some outlets reported that hundreds of copies of the magazine were sold in the first few minutes of going on sale by customers eager to show support for free speech in the wake of the attack.
Despite a print run of up to 3 million copies, including versions in six different languages, many struggled to get hold of the first copies of a magazine that usually has a circulation of only 60,000.
The Guardian’s Anne Penketh said her local newsagent in Paris was so inundated with customers wanting copies of Charlie Hebdo that he hid them and only sold copies to regulars.
She said: “While I was there, a couple of people stopped by and asked for a copy, but [the newsagent] said he didn’t have any. He then stooped down and put my copy inside Le Figaro so nobody would see. He says he’s never seen anything like it.”
Long pre-dawn queues of people were seen at many magazine kiosk across Paris including at the Gare du Nord, where dozens of people formed were lining up before 6am.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Betty MacDonald fans and Charlie Hebdo

Betty MacDonald fan club fans, 

we are still working on Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter January. Be a bit patient, please. 

Thanks a lot for your understanding and support dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans from all over the world.

We got a message from a Betty MacDonald fan from France who send us his thoughts regarding France and Charlie Hebdo.

( see his message below )

 We are very interested in your thoughts and comments.

Thanks a million in advance deaerst Betty MacDonald fan club fans.



Betty MacDonald fan club 

It is kind of you to post several messages about Charlie Hebdo.

Of course, it is horrible to have several people killed, who were writers and cartoonists. This was done only by two or three people who were mentally very weak, having had no parents to raise them, having lived in dirty suburbs and in prisons.

They had the power to kill only because our government is very bad at controlling weapons, and also very bad at caring about poor people.

The main priority of Hollande is the fight against cars and factories. This is what he said in his yearly speech at the end of 2014. He wants to have the votes from the green party, otherwise the parliament would be against him. He does not care about poverty, about unemployment, about freedom of speech. On the contrary, he makes people poorer every day with new stupid laws, new stupid taxes, new stupid wars far away from France: in Mali, Centrafrique, Irak, Syria, Ukraine, etc.

Last year, Hollande has banned a very good humorist called Dieudonne, just because he was criticizing Israel who sent bombs on Palestine. Dieudonne is a very good man and a really funny man. He is on the side of the poor people and on the side of the people who want peace in the world. It was totally unfair to censor him.

Of course, when the head of the state is saying that a humorist is dangerous, how would think weak people about a humoristic journal?

They would think it deserved to be punished, like Dieudonne was.

France is living in a spiral of violence, especially against the freedom of speech.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Betty MacDonald, Mark Twain and Charlie Hebdo

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” -- Mark Twain

1 comment:

We totally agree with Mark Twain. As The Guardian wrote: Don't stop laughing about these murderous clowns!

New Betty MacDonald fan club honor member - author Tracy Tyne Hilton

Betty MacDonald fan club fans, 

It's a very special day today.

Welcome dearest Tracy Tyne Hilton as Betty MacDonald fan club honor member!

And most important - Happy birthday dearest Tracy Tyne Hilton in the name of many Tracy Tyne Hilton - and Betty MacDonald fan club fans from 40 countries. 

 We wish you the most wonderful birthday ever!

There are many Betty MacDonald fan club fans who adore your books very much!

Best wishes and lots of love,

Linde Lund 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer

Betty MacDonald fan club interview with author Tracy Tyne Hilton

Betty MacDonald fan club fans, 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund interviewed author Traci Tyne Hilton who is a huge Betty MacDonald fan.

Many greetings to Traci Tyne Hilton and Betty MacDonald fan club fans around the world.


       Betty MacDonald fan  club interview with author Traci Tyne Hilton
                Copyright 2014 by Traci Tyne Hilton & Linde Lund
                                        All rights reserved

I can find several interviews with you. Which two ones do you prefer?

Here are two recent interviews. The second one is a "character interview" with the characters from my newest book, which is kind of fun.

This is a picture of me on my tenth wedding anniversary at The Betty MacDonald Farm on Vashon. My sweet husband planned our weekend away, but didn't realize that I actually wanted to STAY at the farm! But he did drive me there to see it before we went home, though. I'm pretty little in the picture, but if you look closely, you can see me by the door to the barn.
Which book by Betty MacDonald did you read first?
My mom gave me her copy of The Egg and I when I was about 11. It was my first taste of Betty Macdonald, but I was definitely hooked! I read it at least once a year until I was in my twenties and finally got around to finding the rest of her work at my library...and then collecting reprints.
What do you like most in Betty MacDonald's books?
I love her over the top humor paired with her brutally honest representation of life. 
Is there anything you dislike in Betty MacDonald's books?
One could call her portrayal of the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest in the Egg and I racist, but she was a woman of her time, and the things she writes about, such as alcoholism, are not untrue. They are just reported with that brutal honesty that she also uses for her white neighbors--no one is safe from her sharp pen. So, it makes me a little uncomfortable to read, but at the same time, I think it is real (from her perspective at least, and her perspective is valid,) and I don't dislike it, if that makes sense.
Did you ever read Betty MacDonald's books for children for example The Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series and  Nancy and Plum?
Oh yes! I wish I had had them as kids, but I have been reading them to my kids which is even better! My sister in law bought me Nancy and Plum several years back, and I love it. I don't know why it's not a classic on par with the Secret Garden or the Little Princess! But...even better than Nancy and Plum are the Piggle Wiggle books. They crack my kids up, and were the first chapter books that my girls really devoured. They crack me up, too!
What is your favourite book by Betty MacDonald?
It is still The Egg and I. It's a book that formed so much of my opinion on fiction and held such an important part of my growing up--I don't think anything could beat it. My husband and I call snobby activities "The Theatah and the Dahnce" and I've been known to say "I itch, so I scratch, so what?" 
Did Betty MacDonald influence you as author?
Absolutely. Though I write mysteries I want them to be funny, and I hold Betty MacDonald's work up as a standard for humor.
What do you think is the reason Betty MacDonald is beloved all over the world?

Betty's work gives us a glimpse into a world that we would have never known without her. Both life in the Olympic Mountains and on Vashon are so different from regular town and city life. I think readers love to escape, and the more remote the location, the more different the people we get to meet, the more we love the work! Betty's books help us all escape to a time that is getting farther and farther away, and a place that doesn't even exist anymore, but even when it did, it was unexpected, hilarious, and stunningly beautiful.
Dearest Traci I hope I don't bore with so many questions.

I wasn't a bit bored! Betty MacDonald is definitely my favorite author and I loved having a chance to talk about her work and why I love it so much!
As I already mentioned there are several Betty MacDonald fan club fans who enjoy your books very much.
That people who love Betty MacDonald also like my books is almost unbelievable to me, and really is a dream come true, as an author. When I was a young girl, curled up with her work, escaping to that remote egg farm, I never dreamed that someday people who loved her, would also enjoy what I had to say.

Dearest Traci thanks a million for this wonderful interview.

Lots of love to you and your family.

Lots of love to you, as well! Thank you.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Betty MacDonald fan club honor member will be introduced

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

2014  was the most successful year in history of Betty MacDonald fan club members regarding new members, research results and international activities and projects.

2015 will be even better............

We can be very grateful and happy having wonderful Betty MacDonald fan club fans and Betty MacDonald fan club honor members.

Speaking of Betty MacDonald fan club honor members Linde Lund is going to  introduce an outstanding new Betty MacDonald fan club honor member on Sunday. 

Who is it?   We are very curious!!!!

We are delighted that Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli is back.
I'm a huge Mr. Tigerli fan and adore  the new delightful story very much.

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel are going to talk about new Betty MacDonald fan club goals and projects in 2015.



Betty MacDonald forum 

Betty MacDonald fan club fans support Charlie Hebdo

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

great news!

Many Betty MacDonald fan club fans from all over the world are going to order  Charlie Hebdo.

We all are Charlie Hebdo and Charlie Hebdo needs our support.

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund posted a message.

We bet  Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli will also support Charlie Hebdo.

We talked about Betty MacDonald and nature.

In case you are interested in joining Ruud's Betty MacDonald's fan club research team ' Betty MacDonald and nature ' you are welcome.

You can see a flying drone over Snoqualmie Falls in Washington State.

The situtation is very difficult and dangerous.

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel have been interviewed for  Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter.

Betty MacDonald fan club meetings in London and Berlin had been very successful.

There will be two Betty MacDonald fan club DVD's available soon.

Take care,

Nicole  & Malte

Betty MacDonald fan club