Thursday, August 29, 2013

Betty MacDonald Contest Question easy to answer


Stella, the Betty MacDonald Contest question is easy.

Mr. Tigerli got a new girl friend.

The Russian beauty is no longer Mr. Tigerli's favourite.

His new girl friend is very beautiful and very famous.

We talked a lot about her during this year.

Now you know who Mr. Tigerli's new girl friend is.


Wolfgang Hampel - Betty MacDonald fan Club founder and Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Betty MacDonald Contest Question difficult


Hanna, I'm afraid I can't answer the Betty MacDonald Contest question.

We know Mr. Tigerli seems to be very much in love with his Russian beauty.

Am I wrong? I feel rather stupid. Maybe it's because I am!

Help me please.

I'd need some support.

Thank you so much!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Betty MacDonald Items


We know so many Betty MacDonald and Letizia Mancino fans are waiting for new adventures of beloved Mr. Tigerli.

We are going to publish Mr. Tigerli's new adventure next week.

You'll enjoy it very much. It's very funny and charming.

Mr. Tigerli is in love with a famous lady. You can find her name on Betty MacDonald blogs.

If you know the name of  the lady we are talking about send a mail during this week to our contact address, please.

If you are lucky enough you can win the most interesting Betty MacDonald items.

Good luck to you!


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Greetings to Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli


I would like to join Betty MacDonald fan club exhibit.

I own a huge Betty MacDonald collection and there are many Betty MacDonald items to share.

Glorious greetings to Betty MacDonald fan club folks especially to very sexy Mr. Tigerli and his secret Russian love,


Monday, August 19, 2013

Betty MacDonald pictures


Eira, Betty MacDonald exhibit will be very interesting presenting many important Betty MacDonald documents, letters and pictures.

Come on and join us, please.

I'd love to see Wolfgang Hampel, Mr. Tigerli and his outstanding friends.


Betty MacDonald Event


Gilles, good luck for Betty MacDonald exhibit.

Hoping there will be a special Betty MacDonald DVD available.

All my love to Mr. Tigerli and his very bright Russian girl.
I love this couple.

Whnn can we read a new story?


Friday, August 16, 2013

Betty MacDonald exhibit


Betty MacDonald fans,

as you probably know we'll have a Betty MacDonald exhibit in September described in Betty MacDonald fan club Newsletter August, Page 3 A 1.

Anybody who might be interested in supporting our Betty MacDonald Event is very welcome.

We are very curious to hear the new adventures of our Betty MacDonald fan Club honor member Mr. Tigerli and his Russian bride.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Betty MacDonald Contest


Hannu and Nick thank you so much for great ínfo.

I've heard that Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli and his Russian lady will be back soon.

I'm working on a Betty MacDonald essay.

It'll be published in Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter September.

We are going to organize a new Betty MacDonald Contest.

You can win the most attractive prices including Wolfgang Hampel's Betty MacDonald interviews and biography.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli


Nick, that's one of the most important Betty MacDonald fan club projects.

I'll join of course.

I hope we'll be able to read some stories of Mr. Tigerli's new adventures .

I'm very curious to learn what happens with his very charming Russian girl friend.

I'm a huge fan of Wolfgang Hampel's delightful Betty MacDonald interviews.
I'd like to listen to more of these unique Betty MacDonald treasures.

Bye for now,


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Betty MacDonald biography


hi Betty MacDonald fan  club fans,

I'm donating some very interesting Betty MacDonald items for our new Betty MacDonald biography including several letters by Betty MacDonald family members including Betty MacDonald and her sister Mary Bard Jensen.

To me Betty MacDonald fan club letter project is the most important one.

Come on and join us, please.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Betty MacDonald holiday news


We are on holiday  - means many Betty MacDonald fan club fans meet each other.

( see also Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter August )

We'll be back soon with great Betty MacDonald news!

Happy holiday,
